Wednesday, November 30, 2005

VBS's coming soon. tomorrow, actually. been so super busy doing stuff for both vbs and the st. john camp thing. on top of all tt i have, like, schoolwork! *grinds teeth*
last weekend was fun. had a wedding lunch and birthday dinner on the same day! [sat] altho i got indigestion aft everything, it was great. met alot of distant realitives.. it's funny all they said was i looked tall or old. bleh. my mouth actually cramped up at the wedding thing 'cause i smiled too much! at the birfday thing my uncle's frend said he thought i was in JC or smth. i was like, weeping thru the dinner. augh! anyways the dinner went great too. we surprised my uncle and he came in all smiley and a lil hunched.. was cute. i seriously can't guess how old he is. prob 60+?
this week's been.. quite boring. [as usual.] aft church, went to help jieyi get stuff for the vbs. on monday went (window) shopping with my mom and then went for the vbs meeting, which was draining. just opening my eyes seemed draining. before the meeting i had dinner with raye at MOSburgre at j8! not too sure she liked it. the meeting ended quite late. [poor raye.. all the way back to jurong!] jieyi came over on wednesday to do up her class sketch backdrop things.. whadeva you wanna call it. :)) today, I GOT MY FRENCH TAPES! gosh i'm SO excited i doubt i'll wait until next year to start! it's HARD. wish can get a buddy to learn it with or smth. [tim is not an option.] parlez-vous francais? muahaha.
i'm getting lazier and lazier to blog.. it becomes a chore aft a while. no journalism in my blood, that's for sure.
ahem. if you'll excuse me i need to stop bran from licking his.. nevermindd.

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