Thursday, June 01, 2006

this past week has been so different -- different from any other kind of week i've ever had. it's been a week of daiper changing and medicine giving. i've never done stuff like that before and it's not very enjoyable. anyway my granny's a lil better now. she's stopped squirting (thank God).
i've been having so much on my mind, and i can't really write. i'm so distracted, like, i can't even sit and do school work without spacing out. goodness, i can't even draw properly. i feel so serious. i feel so deep and strange. i don't feel like writing funny, stupid, lame stories anymore or painting or running or drawing. something's wrong, or maybe just changing.
i really want something to happen on the hmong trip to thailand. something. anything. painting my shoes with glow in de dark paint now .. HEE. gonna wear them there. heard it may be muddy! looking very forward to it. :)
thanks for bothering to read. ciao for now ~

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