Friday, September 08, 2006

yesteday was the second day of the conference and once again it was just the two of us ladees, plus bran. no more shopping since mom was working, and i had school to do. spent the first half of the day doing housekeeping and changing th hamster cage. i cooked chese prata for mommy for lunch too. WAHAHAHA. cheese prata. the ingredients are : garlic spread, egg, sugar, cheese, and of course, the prata. i felt like an iron chef mann. :) had some probs with beloved math so i spent like, one and a half hours with my mom sorting it out. then she had to go sleep before work and i went on to slought it out wih my school work.

EEE i got 2 new pimples on my face lehh! so ugry lar i tell you. in everything give thanks. *repeats 100 times*

*head bursts open*

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