Sunday, February 07, 2010

today was bittersweet. or sweetbitter, to be chronological. the day started out bad cos we were late due to some people. went to church, went for lunch, then went to see mama.

mama looks fine. weak but fine. they did something to her arm, i dunno what. we're gonna see her again this weds. thanks for the concern, everyone. =)

after that we went to northpoint to get hooks for tim's specs. mommy and i shopped around. got into a spat with her there. came home, resolved the spat, went down for dinner, got into another argument. i really shan't elaborate, so as to spare you the trouble of having to take a side. i'm just having a really hard time with her, and i can't share cos it would be like trying to earn points with other people, you know? i'm having such a bad evening right now. and on top of that, i have goldfish eyes.

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