Tuesday, May 04, 2010

i'm at it again.
this will be mommy's, for moms' day.

it's still not finished, there're the fingers and hair and ears and never-ending touch-ups left to do. it feels good to be painting again; i get a good smiley kinda feeling that i will now refer to as the painting-feeling, cos i dunno how else to describe it. i wish i had more money to get more stuff, though. it takes a whole lotta cha-ching to do this as a proper hobby, i tell you. so far i've only managed to get black and white paint. the brushes are borrowed from CH (so kind) and my palette, as you can see, is a porcelain plate i secretly stole from my mom's china cabinet. now of course no more secret already. sorry ma, if you're reading this.

i ran into aunty lisa, whom i have not seen in a few years, today while i was out buying stuff for the art class. saw her and family as i was having lunch all by my lonely self. had a little chat and left. it's weird that i'm bumping into old friends quite often these days. good weird, of course. ;)

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