Monday, August 16, 2010

mom says "mama is pink!". meaning she's doing good in hospital. it's funny she stops all her crying and nonsense when she's there. :) not sure when she's coming back, but i'm thinking soon, since she's looking so well.

my throat's been infected for a long time now. kinda up and down, sometimes it's bad and sometimes it's okay. it's pretty bad today, like now. might go to the docs for antibiotics.

i really need to study this week, now that i have alot of time to myself. i'm seriously predicting that i'll do extremely bad for math, but i'm quite confident i'll score okay if not good for english. fine line between being realistic and being pessimistic.

did some random introspection while i was in the shower.
a weakness of mine is my mediocracy. i'm a classic underachiever. i'm not very competitive (find competition can be quite egoistic?) so that obviously is not a driving factor. and i'm lazy. i have a very bad "pass can already let's go play" attitude. sorry. i acknowledge. i'll change. :|

i'm so bloated now with tummy gas. it's making me nauseous. feels like someone pumped a balloon all the way up my rib cage. took carbon pills but it's not working. someone burp me can? so uncomfortable! obviously ate too much today.

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