Monday, December 06, 2010

we've hired a lady to come and clean my grandma up during the day. change her diapers, bathe her, play with her a bit. i will have to guide her during the next few days, the many likes and dislikes of my grandmother.

then i have to find work of some sort. :)

i'm skipping church camp this year. because i have to settle this home stuff and because we have no money for me to go and because my passport isn't renewed yet. it's okay. next time. i shall have no holiday this year.

yesterday i was running a fever and having all the flu symptoms but i'm alright today. i had a horrid day yesterday because i quarreled with my mother, and it got very ugly.

tomorrow i have a quiznos date. -beams at the thought of a good meal-

to be as honest as possible, i haven't really been in a good state these past few months. and it's very hard to come out and tell people that i feel like a wreck. it's hard to say in detail. but the light of coming change seems to up my spirits somewhat. which is nice and timely.

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