Sunday, April 27, 2008

today was my and aunty janet's turn to teach the kids in chapel! ah thank God it went well lah. defffffinitely better than the last time. :D the kids were really good. after church we all went for lunch.. went to an air con place instead of a coffeeshop because it was the logical thing to do in this weather. today's hot ah! on the way back the kids went crazy playing catch the mouse and the name game. wish more teens knew how to play so we could play it faster, like it's supposed to be.

RIGHT NOW there's someone upstairs trying to sing, but in essence just shouting her lungs out. papa calls her yishun idol. i seriously feel like shouting something back up (nicely lah, like, close your window can?). what if those sound waves are taking years off my life, or whitening my hair more quickly? you never know what damage bad sounds can do to you okay.

had a good nap just now, so i'll stay up a little later tonight and enjoy sunday while it lasts. been thinking about the lesson on saturday. what are my aspirations in life? are they pleasing to God? important questions okay.

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