Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Funny Bunny goes to the doc's.

bran's skin thing got worse because he kept scratching. his skin in general is really bad.. flakey scabby red-- the works. so mom and i brought him to the sembawang branch of mt. pleasant (animal hospital) just now to get it checked out.
we were late for our appointment and had to wait for like, an hour? had fun looking at other dogs there.
anyways to sum it all up, bran's problem is-- skin mites. it's a mite that's usually dormant in every dog, but when the dog's immune system is down, the mites flare up and traumatize the skin. he had to take a skin scrape test (quite jiat lat. got blood.) and a heartworm test, cause if he had heartworm, the mite treatment might get more complicated. go google it. he turned out to be negative for heartworm and positive for angry mites. the assistant let us see the mites under the microscope. creepy things. the cause of his bad immunity is genes. he's a purebred dog so, his ancestors were probably frequently inbred and stuff... careless breeders. but that explains why he looks so pretty and fluffy on his good hair days.
got the meds, which came with risks. :| but i think he'll be just fine. next appointment in two weeks.

and, i found charlie in the master bedroom dustbin. it is an inexplicable phenomenon. i'm still trying to figure out how he got in. (it's quite tall, the bin.) on a sad note, i can't take care of him anymore so i may have to release him somewhere, unless someone wants him. anybody want a big, fat, shower-door-opening, dustbin-climbing, dog-biting terrapin named charlie? he's a fast little thing, would win you a gold in any turtle race. yes, no? i thought not...

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