Monday, August 07, 2006

i have some kind of wierd skin formation on my upper thigh near my hips. no pain no itch, so initially i didn't bother until recently, when it SPREADD to the next thigh. EW. my mom says it looks like some kind of worm so i got it checked out at the doc's today. original doc on maternity leave, leavig me with another doc. anyways it was my first time there so i didn't care which doc was in or not. "guy doctor ah?" i asked the counter lady. "yah." then a wierd look from her. fine. my last doc was a guy too. no problemo.

i was at the clinic first thing in the morning so i was the only sick person there. my dad was there too, to pay (duh). so i sit down after that conversation and look dumb for a while. them counter lady goes, "uh, you can go in now." *me bewildered*

"ahem. halo."

"hi ....... agness. (he's reading the card someone just threw in from a hole in the wall. my personal information.) sso what'ss the problem?"

he is pale, flat faced, and young. maybe ... early 30's. the moment he opened his mouth i was gonna just, BURST into laughter. tt wouldn't be nice now, wd it? what if he gets mad and prescribes me sulfuric acid or sth?! lol. kiddin. he's the kind of person tt emphasises on all the ending sounds and the S's in words. a lil bit of a wrist thing gg on, i think. anyways..

"i have this wierd skin ... thing. (now i feel dumb. should have said growth, or abnormality or sth.) no itch no pain. couldn't be bothered until it spread to my other thigh."

so i wring up my shorts a lil to show him, hoping it isn't cancer or sth that needs a jab. i hate needles. he gave a wierd analitical stare, then he poked it.

"it kind of pops out. don't know why."

he pokes the other side. not pokes as in poke poke lah. poke like press poke.

"my mom said it looked like a worm." NOW THAT SOUNDED DUMB.

"i don't think it looks like a worm. it looks more like a skin infection. when did it...."

"CAn't remember... SKIN INFECTION? oh. not worm?"

"no. really cannot remember?"

"nope. been quite a while but i didn't care cause it didn't hurt or anth."

"no pain?"


"no.. itch, or......"



"so you're 14?"

nodds.* i wrote 92 didn't i? *

he then tells me to take the expensive antibiotics and expensive antibiotic cream and blah blah blah.

"ok, thank you, bye bye" like he was rapping.

i walk out like a zombie. *yeah yeah. chase me out so you can continue putting your legs up on the desk while drinking your room temperatre coffeeeeee! by the way the mug made a mark on someone's prescription card. was it mine??

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