Saturday, July 28, 2007

having a nagging headache now. BUT i managed to read revelation 10-13 inspite of it! go zion.

i'm into oiling hair now. it serrriously works. makes hair soft and browner [at least for my hair] and NICE SMELLING. but cannot anyhow oil, you must do it properly and buy the right oil. i use some old OLD brand that my foremothers used in time past. smells like rose water. :) i oil it before i start school and bun it up, and wash it off only at night. if i can't do that for some reason [e.g. going out and don't wanna look like an ah mah] then i oil it in the night and sleep with it. it takes some tolerance but COME ON LAH, girls will do pretty much anything that works right? and i took so long to grow out my precious hair i HAVE to take good care of it.
alright, enough ramblings about ancient hair oil. i want some CHAO. byebye.

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