Saturday, July 21, 2007

teens club was changed to 8+ so we all got up early. :( tim, jake and i wore the same shirt! rrrushed home to change, smack some make up on, and go to the salon. was PRAYING that my hair would turn out nice. well, 99% of people said it was nice except one person. pics for yoooo~
studious daph.

WHOA the B.O.! kidding lah.

my fatttt face.

so violent. punch me also so happy?

what? she owes me money.

same shirt!

anyways, my baby was revealed at the wedding, finalllly. my sweat and blood. my hard work and free time. hopefully it's very appreciated. i really put alot of effort into it.
ah, dumb pics that GIRLS ARE SUPPOSED TO TAKE. think sher ate a lemon.

looks like we got touched my an angel. know the show?

aiyoh she's really prettier than me now. or was it always so? : O

i'm not the bride but i'm still so happy.


walking to the van

meeting eddie.

musketeers a lil more grown-up.



the family photo taken at home.

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