Tuesday, January 29, 2008

yesterday was a full day! went to meet raye after church for budget-pastamania lunch and budget-shoe shopping. this meeting has been postponed week after week AFTER WEEK and i was really down about it, so i'm thankful that we finally got to spend some time together. we walked and talked alot and made fun of some live singers that were totally making my brains vibrate in my skull. it was irritating. some couldn't even sing and they were waving their hands about, you know, imitating real singers. i think it was some competition. anyway i determined to buy white shoes and got a pair at my current fav shoe shop. they basically sell low quality stuff that looks good at low prices. after paying i realized there was 20%off and rejoiced accordingly. i almost bought another pair, but i control okay. because the money i earn one mah, haha. oh yes, before that we shared a meal at pastamania. that's the great thing about being a girl. you don't have to eat alot. :D i taught raye some french too. funnyness lah.

after i came home i DISCOVERED that a family was coming to take a look at our school materials cause their kids are gonna do it too. they're nice people. haha. and that was how my evening went.

today's sermon was about, well i forgot the title. but the lesson i learned, which i think is absolutely forgotten amongst christians my age, is that we don't follow a set of do's and dont's. we love God, and that's all. all we do or abstain from should root from wanting to please God. we would go to any measure and put up with anything willingly and happily if we do all in love for God. we don't dress modestly, or listen to conservative music, or stay away from bad company, or not watch some movies because someone else said so or because we might get in trouble if we do. if those are our reasons, then we have lost our focus. if we really love God, we'd want more than anything to please Him by obeying Him. sometimes, areas seem gray. we should then determine what God would want us to do, factoring in all the principles he has given us. i realize this is why we in church do so many things people deem weird and over-conservative. our love-driven lifestyle if often misunderstood as too rigid, legalistic, full of rules. that really isn't the case. we're living in the footsteps of the one who saved us, doing all for the glory of the one who first loved us.

we all forget every now and then. that's why i think the sermon was a very encouraging one for me. it really reminded me.

cupcake collection! $6.00 for all, individually: $3.00 for the big one, $2.00 for the pop-ups.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TEDDY BEAR CARDS. one BIG birthday and two pop-up hello cards.
$6.00 for all.
individually, big birthday card = $3.00 pop up card= $2.00
comes with blue envelopes.

retro font hor? ahaa..

bunny and flower cards. 4 cards for $6.00. two birthdays and two thank yous.
$2.00 individually. comes with pink envelopes. handpainted one ohkay!

sms me if you want any! =)
aza aza fighting!

I HAVE DECIDED, to follow jesus (starts doing actions). haha, and i have decided to do business with portraits too! $20 each. $30 for two faces in a picture. email me the photograph at my gmail address with whatever specifications you want (like, take out all my blemishes or something) and i'll get back to you. all in drawing block and pencil. portraits make good gifts. *winks* i'll draw them as best i can! and i'll make sure it looks like the person it's supposed to.

oh yah, try to send me good quality photos hor. blur blur very hard to draw lah.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

CARDS SOLDDDD! yay thank God.

a new drawing. =) not finished yet. the camera's a little bad so it looks overexposed sometimes. drew it on nights when i couldn't sleep.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

my toes are GROSSE! i don't know why leh. the skin just keeps peeling. i'm malting. maybe i'm part reptile. eeee..
daddy made super banana pancakes out of the blue. they're seriously good.
a pancake monster.
i failed a test today. my first test of the year-- FAILED. must press on man.

my aunt emailed me some cute phrases. there're 20 of them but i decided not to post the last one up. it was a little fency. =D i just made that word up.

1. Give God what's right -- not what's left.

2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end -- God's way leads to an endless hope.

3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

5. Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

6. When praying, don't give God instructions- just report for duty.

7. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church.

8. We don't change God's message--His message changes us.

9. When God ordains, He sustains.

10. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.

11. Plan ahead--It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

12. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

13. Exercise daily--walk with the Lord.

14. Never give the devil a ride--he will always want to drive.

15. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.

16. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

17. He who angers you controls you.

18. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives can develop.

19. Be ye fishers of men--you catch them & He'll clean them.

sis. suwei posted my latest portrait on her blog! and a little compo i wrote about my hobby too. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

lifting weights has left me with oddly huge upper arms that look fatty instead of muscley. i guess it's better than how i looked in the past. i remember tim low calling me chopsticks at a pot luck at uncle soo ann's house, and everyone telling me i was too skinny and should eat more when i went to family gatherings. now, i am putting on weight like mad, but i'm not very happy with how it's being distributed. anyway, as i always say, it's not about size or weight, it's about being healthy. when tim starts boot camp with dad for army i might follow him. might as well right? people pay to have trainers... this one's free.

AZA! fighting!

Monday, January 14, 2008

today's message was one of nine parts. the title was "the focus". good message! and i found my fountain pen. =) lots of people thought i straightened my hair AGAIN, but no, i just had it cut. bye bye bangs! had lunch with a small group.

pray for cherebelle! (spelling?) she fell and it's quite serious. mommy's at KKH with her parents now. BJ and some others went too. apparently it was pretty bloody and i'm SO SCARED. cherebelle is almost the cutest baby on earth! yes, lets pray for her and her sis too, who's quite in distress.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

i drew this on the 31st of december! the photo isn't very nice because of the lighting (yes, just blame it on the lighting) but i think this is my best so far! i wonder what God wants me to do with these hands in future. am i supposed to pursue art? BLAH, IDK! i'm praying about my future plans. there's not alot of time left to think. =| can i be a tai tai? that seems easy.

agnes' card business is ON THE GO! i aim to save a few hundred bucks this year. last year in july i saved 90 bucks in a month FROM CARDS, so i think it's possible if i manage my time properly. i am going to make ALOT of cards this year. i will be hardworking! AZA! i'll train with my drawing too, so i can draw portraits for all you guys someday. i always imagine archaeologists 100 years from now digging up a fossilized drawing of mine and putting it in a museum with my name below it, beside the mona lisa. =)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTY JANET. thanks for all the nice things you've done. (heart)

Monday, January 07, 2008

after church yesterday we had lunch at a cafe for the january babies. ^_^in the end jake wanted to treat us, i mean those at our table, since we paid up by the table. so, oh well. FREE MEAL! =D thank you jacob. anyway, it was nice spending some time together with the church, joking and having fun. thank God for everyone lah.
geil took that photo. alien agnes with headlights one. LOL.

Friday, January 04, 2008

yesterday my throat was kinda getting sore, and today when i woke up it was SO PAINFUL. so i took some meds and went to sleep, trying to avoid getting a fever. woke up for lunch feeling much better.

please pray for my mom and her neck. she can't sleep well and it's really quite painful, to the point where i can only watch her and feel helpless. makes me feel like crying. i'm trying not to underestimate the power of prayer, you know, like sometimes i say all i can do is pray, like it's so not helpful or something. but i know it can do wonders when done in faith and all. :)

school is go go again. :\ i have many new subjects like english compo and greek! greek's hard. i'm stuck at the alphabet. but i found out my name has greek origin. AZA! must do better this year.

what's up with people and their anti-new year resolution-ness?? it's like everyone makes resolutions sound dumb and pointless. i have lots and am planning to fulfill them. bleah~

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

photos from LAST YEAR. yes, happy new year everyone! my HP battery went flat yesterday night so i couldn't reply your many new year messages, sorry. anyways this was on geil's birfday. dragged her bro along to eat with us right after he got his head shaved. that's me and mommy drinking starbuckz and geil the birfday girl. :)