Friday, January 04, 2008

yesterday my throat was kinda getting sore, and today when i woke up it was SO PAINFUL. so i took some meds and went to sleep, trying to avoid getting a fever. woke up for lunch feeling much better.

please pray for my mom and her neck. she can't sleep well and it's really quite painful, to the point where i can only watch her and feel helpless. makes me feel like crying. i'm trying not to underestimate the power of prayer, you know, like sometimes i say all i can do is pray, like it's so not helpful or something. but i know it can do wonders when done in faith and all. :)

school is go go again. :\ i have many new subjects like english compo and greek! greek's hard. i'm stuck at the alphabet. but i found out my name has greek origin. AZA! must do better this year.

what's up with people and their anti-new year resolution-ness?? it's like everyone makes resolutions sound dumb and pointless. i have lots and am planning to fulfill them. bleah~

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