Wednesday, June 24, 2009

awaiting tomorrow morning-- ortho appointment. wondering if i'll be able to get the braces done since my gums aren't doing that well still. gonna have so see what the orthodontist says lah. =\ i think during the weekend and first few days of the week the toothless parts got quite infected.. then yesterday and today it got better but they're still quite sore. boohoo~

meeting up with geil to go in the morning. =)

cooked myself a good mashed meal today. two, in fact. had rrrreally smashed ramen (in essence, pre-chewed) for lunch with choppppped up veggie and egg. for dinner, mashed potatoes and soup with toasted bread soaked inside, and since no veggies i blended three big tomatoes with some honey and drank it up. it's funny i hate tomatoes but like the juice? hah. trying to nutrify (?) myself since i can't eat as usual. must take care of the skin i painstakingly medicated back to health last year. (pats cheeks)

used this new blender for the first time just now while making the juice and i like it so much! gonna make milkshakes and stuff with it soon. =D

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