Monday, June 01, 2009

I AM OFFICIALLY DOWN with a sore throat today. really runny nose woke me up at around 3 this morning.. i realized i'd been wiping snot all over my face for the past hour or so. sighs, i gotta get well by wednesday! sick children cannot go for VBS, then sick teachers? (AH!)

quick post about saturday and yesterday. um, the sumatras from the philippines came to abm! so we spent some time with them on saturday going to watch jerry's concert at victoria concert hall (wahhh.) had lunch at plaza sing, went for choir, stayed for an informal fellowship with the missionaries, had dinner, and came back home. oh we (my family) were john mark's angels.. meaning we were to settle his meal and take care of him. haha, flap flap.

on sunday the choir was singing so i had to dress formally. hoho, not comfy but, what to do. pastor sumatra preached and showed the video about the ministry over there. it was very encouraging, not just his words but also seeing what he has given to the Lord.
i stayed for lunch and the tagalog service, then went back home. my dad and i didn't get home in time to say bye to tim, aw. sorry timmy.

the sumatras are going home tonight! seems so soon, but they've actually been here for about a month. we will be praying for you!

idk why, but they really like tim ALOT. and i also realized that john mark and i exchanged emails 3 long years ago! but after a while he didn't reply me. T_T"

okok tons of stuff to do. major to-do = SCHOOLWORK i'm so behind!

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