Friday, July 17, 2009

had school. studied for math test. (dying) got stuff from popular. went cold storage, bought chips for timmy to welcome him back. went to friday night. tummy feeling really bad now. :( end of friday.

feeling pretty... mad/ irritated with some people because of the things they said, but i'll let it slide lah, not worth pursuing. if they do it again i'm totally gonna tell them not to talk that way. ugh so many things i wanna type out. must control. no details no details.

planning to make this super cute 'specialized' card for isa's friend.. something with a camper, hockey stuff, and mamee noodles. it's gonna be one cool card.
preparing for next thursday's class too. how should i get a 3 yr old and a 9 yr old to draw the same thing? brain teaser. i think i'll just use the good ol' dotted lines for the younger ones lah. will be teaching them how to draw faces for both genders, and the body. different clothes and stuff. :)

gonna make some bear bear cards, pray and ask God to help me not be angry, and zeeeeeee.

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