Saturday, September 16, 2006


SG last nite was okay. OKAY. the lesson bro. CJ taught was about marriage. he said good preperation for me. erm. lets change the subject, shall we. AWKWARDNESS.
so them lil kiddies came once more. ongs, neos, lau (only marcus). shermine's taking her HSK chinese exam today! omgosh all the best. anyway she stayed home last nite to make sure she slept early since the test is SO EARLY in the morning.
the kids played this game where they have a matt and they're supposed to follow instructions and do funny positions on it until they can't hold it no more. they laid out the matt in my kitchen. in the end the whole matt was crumpled up and everyone was tangled up and red-faced from the gravity defying positions. the matt was just one bunchie bundle in the middle of wailing children. so i said, "erm. anyone wanna draw?" and that settled it. no more bunchie matt.
then we celebrated aunty susan's birfdaye! (which is today.) happy b'day aunty sue!
EEE. you know smetimes there's like a huge pimple full of puss on the KNEE? yeah i have one of those. i call them puss things. (logically.) it hurts. AND all my arm muscle vanished because i'm a tall skinny lazy pig. i can't say big fat.

someone got me lip gloss that i wanted so much! YAY! thanks.

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