Tuesday, October 30, 2007

PRAY FOR GRANNY LEH. the tubey thing in her arm has complications. short explanation: her kidneys failed long ago so she can't expel toxins by peeing so she goes for dialysis where they suck her blood out from her arm, filter it with an imitation kidney, and pump it back in. they fitted a rubber thingy in her arm so they could poke it and sick the blood out from there every time instead of poking her actual vein. the rubber thingy is spoiled [i think] and her arm has a bulbous lump on it now but apparently she can still continue dialysis. she went to SGH just now. her next appointment is this sunday. they may need to replace/repair that thing, which they just did IN JULY or sometime recent like that. anyway granny is kinda clueless and making up her own simpler theories regarding the bulge. most importantly i hope she fights on like always. :) it helps when she's optimistic. she'd be busier fighting with the nurses rather than obsessing with death, like some old people do when they're sick.

sorry, that explanation wasn't exactly short. heh.

just for the record. ;D

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