Wednesday, May 19, 2010


geilamon and i are planning to make cupcakes. dunno when yet, maybe friday? she's great. she can really put up with randomity. (i coined that term, mmhmm.) i was grocery shopping at shop and save last night and i walked past the.. cupcake paper cup things. what're they called? *looks at recipe* ...baking cups. so i walked past them and suddenly wanted to make cupcakes. msged geil and she liked the idea as well. only thing neither of us has baked them before. i almost typed baken, lol. but we'll figure it out.. at most get everything wrong and throw it all away lor. no, at most eat bad stuff and throw up. yeah, that would be the worst case scenario.

or we eat then die. hmm. or OTHER PEOPLE EAT THEN THEY DIE. oh my goodness that's definitely worst case scenario. must make them sign something before eating...

those unimportant thoughts aside, i chose the recipe for brownie cupcakes! sounds good right right? GEIL you have to go shopping with me to this shop called... poon huat. baking stuff shop. got quite a few things to buy. don't worry i will budget. ;) and maybe can buy some cute packaging from daiso also. heh heh hehhhh.

i'm suddenly very interested in cake decor. after watching this show where these cake people make and decorate ridiculously amazing cakes.

there's a beetle in my room. i saw it buzzing around just now and freaked out but when i got my dad to come annihilate it, IT WAS GONE. gone as in hiding. later sure come out terrorize me again one uhhh how to sleep. i'm too frazzled out to sleep now. OTTOKHEH (HOW)!


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