Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"good morning everyone. yesterday, jie jie brought me to ken and lulu to get my hair cut. she had a strange conversation with ken and i could see her making her smile + frown face. i was really gross and lulu had a hard time with my swollen cheek. (can you see it? my left eye is smaller than the right. doesn't help with the females.) when jie jie came to collect me she carried me all the way home even though i'm about 8 kg, because it rained and the floor was muddy."

"i'm taking advantage of being so clean and handsome now by jumping onto beds without asking permission and posing like the lion king. last night i tried to hog the entire fleece blanket inch by inch while jie jie was sleeping, but in the end she woke up and shoved me to one side angrily, muttering something in korean. i am now suntanning my butt cos for some reason, there's a patch of white fur on it."

this is done. :)

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