Saturday, October 16, 2010

i got up early this morning to go down to town and get my braces tightened. i already postponed it a week for my SAT so i didn't really have much of a choice other than the morning slot. wanted to change it to tuesday so that i could go for teens, but it was a bit too last minute. dragged my drowsy pimply self there and got it done. my jaw is going to snap lor, now so tight.

came home for a befitting porridge lunch and sent mama down to wait for my uncle to bring her to dialysis. came back home, changed up (reluctantly cos of the sweltering heat) and left for the PERANAKAN PLAY! -woots- it was at the national library drama center.

okay, i dunno why i'm so on about it. i find it really cute. all the bibiks getting high and funky and bouncing around. the title was "pagar makan padi" which is an idiom meaning someone or something that seems reliable but turns out not to be. the plot was decent yet simple enough for the many 50+ audience members present to understand. the cast was alright, set up was nice, acting was great, and the humor was PERANAKAN! which made it so unique and exclusive and relatable to me and mommy, who thoroughly enjoyed herself btw. but it's a shame i couldn't get any footage or pics cos the ushers were really on guard, out to catch anyone who attempted to do so.

the audience was almost as funny as the play because of the measure of their engrossed state. the bibiks were so into it lor, something funny would happen and they would roar or.. cluck violently with laughter. or an important scene would take place and the whole theater would start muttering about their theories about what would happen next. so cute!

there was even an autograph and phototaking session after the play. they tried haggling me to become a member and appreciate my roots, me being young and all.

anyway, after it ended, my aunt, cousin, mom and i went for tea around the area. cheese fondue! came home around 6 and felt really drowsy, but went downstairs to have dinner with mama and the bunch before wheeling her home from dialysis. what a nice saturday afternoon and evening. :)

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