Wednesday, October 20, 2010

printed photos on monday, which reminds me!


timmy's birthday! gerlynn and i had a grand plan to back a cake and stuff but it all fell through due to our misaligned stars. kidding! due to a lack of place to bake. :(

anyway we still carried out the surprise. ger came by around 12 or 12:30 and hid at our corridor, waiting for tim to go downstairs to print pics like he said he wanted to, so that she could rush in and set up the cake and present and stuff. BUT our dear lazy bum didn't wanna go down in the end so i had to sneak her into my room and light the candles there. tim was in his room with headphones on so it wasn't very difficult to smuggle an entire person into the house without him noticing.

i screamed for tim from the dining area, holding the cake, gerlynn behind me. "TIM! COCKROACH! GET THE SPRAY!" my attempt to lure him out of the room. it did not work! he kept shouting back "WHERE! WHERE!" in the end he popped his head out, saw us, scrambled to put a shirt on, and came out to receive his surprise from frazzled us.

we had hor fun for lunch and cut the cake with mama later. and the sneakers we bought timmy fit! oh thank God, cos cannot change already.

gerlynn spent the rest of the day with us. we went on this quest to rent a movie or two but it all went very wrong and we came home empty handed. still, we passed the day somewhat happily at home, with good laughs and cozy meals.

after dinner and another cake cutting with mommy, we walked our guest out and said byebye.

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