Wednesday, December 08, 2010

i couldn't fall asleep last night, i don't really know why. gave up on trying to be sleepy at 7am when i saw mommy getting ready for work. but now she's gone and i'm left feeling sleepy and boggle-eyed. reminds me of the times when i had to get up a million times from the floor to tend to mama. we've come a long way.

i've been having sinus problems every night for the past four nights now. my nose just gets clogged and swollen inside when it comes to sleeping time and it gets drippy. i sound nasal in the day. it's my new voice, hah.

yesterday's lunch date with gerlynn was very nice because she's studying for exams and we haven't been able to meet up as often. the time passed so quickly, it was unreal. it's like this phenomenon how time flies when we finally get to talk. i didn't know there was a good scrapbooking shop at novena. i will take up scrapbooking if i become a tai tai in future. the materials and stuff are.. not cheap.

one day the both of us will publish our book and you will see it at MPH and kino and prologue. hahahahahaha.

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