Saturday, December 16, 2006

i got very wet at the VBS outing thing today. some very itchy handed adults and kids drenched me ruthlessly. AND I WORE WHITE. but anyways it was fun. it rained halfway through the water games so plan B went into place, namely, EVERYBODY BOMB EVERYBODY! when the sun came back up the kids still wanted to play catching and i ran like siao. one piece of bread isn't alot of energy okay! after everything we went for lunch somewhere in chongpang ad tim and jieyi and i WALKED HOME in the HOT SUN. qwenchanayo, i love sun. :) PICS FOR YOO, don't complain that my face is in almost everyone of them. the picture of the chicken was taken because IT HAD FEATHERS ON IT. ahaaa.

i shall also add that today, someone guessed i was 20 and another person guessed i was 17. i must list all the funny numbers ppl come up with and average them out man.

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