Tuesday, December 26, 2006

let's see, how did i spend christmas day? well we all slept seriously late on christmas eve so logically we got up late too. fussed around our own business until we left for my dear aunt's house at 5+. a few days ago my aunt already delivered our presents to our house, AND I LOVE THEM LEH. i think i am considered of age, for i got some ESTEE LAUDER STUFFS! gahgahgah :D ! also, hairclips, a notebook, and a very pretty blouse which i wore on sunday. so anyway i had good meal there. there's always great food there. turkey and ham [REAL ham.] and the best of all, SHEPHERD'S PIE. wah drooling. NICE LEH. i soso want the recepie. [to give to my mom and beg her to make.] after spending some time there [my granny went too. my aunt is her sister's daughter. COMPLEX.] we all went home. while feeling the wind on the way up my house i thought it'd be nice to go for a run. I THOUGHT MY DAD WOULD WANT TO GO. so i asked him and he was excited and got ready in a flash. turns out he told me today he didn't really wanna go but he went for me. what lah... TSK.

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