Thursday, May 17, 2007

YAY my blogger dashboard is back to normal so i can post like siao now! been quite busy of late. feeling the stress, which i haven't felt in a while due to simple lazy humanhood. emotionally been in a turmoil. it's not even like a rollercoaster ride lah, it's a bungee. anyways, i hate wallowing in self pity. i have so much to be thankful for, so TARRY ON! won't die one. :) made a birthday card for ah meng two weeks ago, everyone please write on sunday. let's see what's new these few weeks. UM, i failed a math test. got three cards from church people [whee. reap and sow!] went to pasir ris park to celebrate mothers day with my ah mah and got to pet smelly horses. i realllly miss my fellow musketeers and i feel horrible for bailing out on them. i feel realllly bad. SORRY. dono what to say oredy. :(

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