Sunday, August 22, 2010

mama sings before bedtime now cos she thinks it helps her sleep. she sings silent night holy night, on loop, and the lyrics are...

"Jejus... Jejus... kasi gua... tidoh..."

"Jesus... Jesus... give me... sleep..."

it's too cute, really.

had big lunch at the vines in novena for isa's birthday today after church, the whole gang went. came home late and brought mama down for dinner with the parents. then came up and helped sky do some homework. mommy and i got to talk to him about his school trouble before he left since his mom mentioned it.

i haven't eaten dinner yet cos the steak still hasn't been digested fully and the pie is still somewhere in my esophagus. figuratively speaking.

kudos to jay for the great saturday. i know you put lot of thought into it. although i must say that a t-hunt was my idea a few months back. for the record. hah, hao lian. :D

ISA YOU'RE GETTING PRETTIER BY THE YEAR! really. (lol, now your turn to say back to me.) no but seriously you are.

i go bathe.

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