Wednesday, April 18, 2007

boring days. recently the days have been split into half, first it's sunny and horribly hot, the kind that makes you wanna tear your hair out, and then it's humid and rainy. weird huh?

there's a spider terrorizing the kitchen bathroom users and i don't like it cause i'm a kitchen bathroom user. [sorry, i feel like being long winded today.] it pops up here and there in the weirdest places and it just won't drown. i've tried to smack it dead several times, but i think it's a mutant or something. no offense, charlotte's web lovers. this spider is nothing like charlotte. it isn't grey, smart, pretty, and doesn't have the voice of julia roberts, although it might be female.

paranoia sets in. i have no idea why i'm going on and on about my hate for spiders.

titus and phoebe gave me cards when i wasn't feeling too good and didn't go for SG. so cute right? then on sunday phoebe came to me and said, i gave u a card u know?. then i said, yeah. thanks phoebe! but she continued to stare at me with a smile and huge eyes. until i finally said, i'll give you one back next week, ya? LOL. then she ran off contentedly. SO CUTE.

for today's hour of preaching from that irish guy again, i learned about ezekiel. [yes, ezekiel again.] that God called him to warn the jews and tell them to repent, and then told ezekiel that nobody was gonna listen to him, but to still go and warn them anyway. so sometimes God wants us to do things not for the result we may have in mind using our logic, but for higher purposes that may seem abstract to us. tadah, i managed to learn something before falling asleep AGAIN. i think my mom's quite mad with me for doing that. but i really couldn't help it! i look at the verses, close my eyes, and next thing i know i'm on some weird position on the floor and my butt's numb. SORRY LA, BOSS. :|

gotta go do some school work [ =( ] BYEBYE and read your bibles!

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