Monday, April 23, 2007

yesterday we learned about the beatitudes in sunday bible hour. finally understand what they're all about, although bJohnny hasn't covered them all yet. they are my new criteria for true happiness, since each verse starts, "blessed are they that...". :) in the worship service we learned about the second coming of Christ. it's seriously complicated and SCARY stuff lah, and we as christians ahould be watching, waiting, and serving.

after service i was feeling lazy and the weather was horrib, so i didn't really wanna go meet the girls. then jieyi was saying, don't skip lah, wait they angry. and i was like, in a dilemma. dillema. in a quandary lah. in the end when i asked sher and raye if we could skip that day sher replied me, we're already eating. -_-"

anyway last night i couldn't really sleep and today i woke up with a sore throat ! NNOOOOOOOO. man, i hate being sick lah. now my eyes are puffy and i'm sneezing. NOT GOOD GAN JUE. *cries*

i hope this week'll be a productive one. :|

go to the abm webbie to see some recent pics!

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