Friday, July 23, 2010

mama hasn't had any tantrums at night for the past week, but she still maintains her strict thousand turns ritual habit. i get really bad and sudden "sleepy spells" throughout the day. like, extreme drowsiness all of a sudden that's satisfied by a half an hour or one hour nap. like some disorder...

the queen is fussy and picky and completely obsessed with buying food from downstairs, but overall her behavior is cute and she knows that i'm physically quite stretched. the new line of proper communication helps so much, in fact i think it's the cause of her newfound (slight) sense of consideration. thank God.

been having little sessions of frustration with her here and there though, i'll be honest. sometimes at night when she keeps waking me up for nothing until dawn. sometimes when she refuses to do stuff like put on her clothes. she's not feisty, just really picky.

everyday she asks for rojak. i think it's because she's bored and wants to eat something nice, but forgets that she just ate it recently? so today i suggested mee rebus to her, and ever since then she's been asking me to buy mee rebus everytime i walk into the room.

" tomorrow buy..... ah.... mee rebus! we share share."

10 mins later

"anna anna, tomorrow buy.... ah.... mee rebus! we share share."

repeat and repeat.

tomorrow i plan to go to geil's for dinner. sun plaza got watsons right? i wanna buy mascara with my watsons points. old mascara ran out. :D

when tim is sick...
mom: tim no need to do dishes lah, since he's sick.
tim: *beams*
ag: eh i cannot do also i'm sick.
mom: sick with what?
ag: i got... i got... ... ...mental illness!

and i got exempted too. meaning...? lol.

okay i'm gonna make a hot dog bun now, bye.

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