Tuesday, July 06, 2010

see lah, i've been so zombied from all that mama drama that i forgot to wish mom happy birthday on the 3rd. (horrible!)

love you so much!
thanks for being so determined to raise us right.
you're not perfect, but i can honestly say i wouldn't want any other mom in the world.


mama didn't want to eat much for dinner. she slept for a while and then started her scheduled crying when i wanted to feed her some food before her medicine at around 11pm.

mama: i dowan i dowan i dowan!
ag: look at me. eat food then can eat medicine.
mama: i dowan food! i dowan medicine! i dowan!
ag: hungry? see, porridge. wah~
mama: I DOWAN LAH!!!
ag: (eats the porridge.)
mama: @^&@#$%^&*. i tell pohsuan you don't let me eat!
ag: you want to eat?
mama: dowan!
ag: ?????
mama: (yells for mom for 1 hour+)

somehow when the clock strikes 11 or thereabouts, mama gets into this total hatred towards me for no reason at all. it just happens night after night. i have to try and keep a two feet distance from her while i do everything for her cos she whacks me suddenly. like an old ninja. she would just want mom, like a baby i guess. toddlers sometimes can't sleep at night without their moms around right? i think.. mom calls it the second childhood.

last night was about the same. slept at 3am, woke up at 5am, dunno when and where i fell asleep again after calming her, but woke up on my mat at 9am. prepped her for dialysis and left the feeding to dad, slept at 11 something, then woke up at 2pm. my body can't really tell night from day, or my 3 meals apart. and i dunno why i constantly sound nasal now.

ag: my life has changed so much. i feel like i had myself a baby.
mom: hahahahaha. big baby.
ag: ya. big baby with big diapers. if there ever is a fire, we can each grab one diaper and parachute down from the 4th floor.

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