Thursday, March 18, 2010

went to a crazy OG cardmembers' sale yesterday. almost died there.. it was like war. you know where it gets really unbelievable? the bedsheet level. there are sales people shouting while standing on racks, people throwing bolsters here and there, carrying like 4 pillows. it's all quite hilarious. here you are squeezing back to back with smelly aunties and beside you there's a sales person frying popiah and eggs to promote the pots and pans. it's a good thing the crowd consisted of mostly females, cos everyone was groping everybody unintentionally. eck!

after that my parents and i went for lunch. was running a fever there. came home and crashed. didn't manage to see mama. :( when my parents told her i was sick she blamed it (with much conviction and gusto) on my drinking cold water all the time. hahahah. cute.

tomorrow sounds fun. art class, where we're gonna let the kids play with clay. and then korean BBQ WOOTS!


ag: my birthday was on tuesday leh.
sky: *stopped blabbering, shocked* why you never tell me!? then i can buy you cake. and plesent.
ag: *wants to squeeze his cheeks*


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