Thursday, January 13, 2011

gerlynn came by this morning, to spend some time with me and bran, and help me recover from my LaTrobe sadness.

i was sad, quite. not because i can't study overseas or at LaTrobe. solely because i can't study speech. but if you know me well enough, you'd know that i will take a day to be sad, maybe two. and afterward i'll kind of be fine.

being sad is only human. it's wallowing that's weakness.

anyhow, we walked bran around the neighborhood for about an hour, half of which was spent sitting around at a void deck because the poor dog looked as if he was about to keel over in cardiac arrest. throughout the entire walk he refused to poop or pee or drink water. no intake or output.

strange animal.

later, we dropped bran off at home, took a free (survivor mode) bus to SSC, ate cheap food, walked to our hearts' content and proceeded to NP. i bought some card-making stuff and walked home.

now the day is slowly darkening into night, as if it is fading away. how quickly it passes. we are completely at the mercy of time.

i have a million cards to make.

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