Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i sent out my application while walking bran just now. he halted at the postbox, and looked at me to wish me all the best through his bulbous eyes.

hope you get in, jie jie!

i have a pressing urge to watch a french film called La Papillon. there was a time when i was obsessed with it after seeing only half of it on the telly. i never managed to find it and watch the first part. it was during my french phase, when paris was the place to go and french the elective of choice. the phase faded as i actually began learning the language. the french language is not to be trifled with. i barely finished the course, dragging it out longer than i was supposed to.

but in the shower just now the film came to mind. and the song that i once memorized. i watched the trailer again, and now i have to find the dvd.

pourquoi tu me prends par la main?
parce qu'avec toi je suis bien.

why do you hold my hand?
because with you i am happy.

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