Monday, January 24, 2011

the sermon this afternoon was on forgiveness, about how joseph forgave his brothers for the awful things they did and the evils that fell upon him because of their acts; and how we should forgive because Jesus has granted us forgiveness.

it is not a very human thing to do, forgiving.

after church i had lunch with timmy and jake.

for dinner, timmy bought me mee pok that just had too much chili in it. after eating i had myself a cup of ice cream immediately, leaving my stomach feeling full and funny.

and then jake told me that a bunch of them were dining at a coffeeshop near my place, BJ's family and some others. i brought bran down to see them and play with the kids. he was quite pleased with the impromptu outing, and all the attention from the squealing children.

for the record, i love night walks.

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