Wednesday, January 12, 2011

my dear 9 year old puppy, bran, is going to go for regular walks from now on. just because dogs should have the right to walk. although bran here has never really considered himself to be a dog, which is partially our fault. we call him all sorts of things.

"chinese rabbit"
"sheep pig"
"alien dog"
"funny bunny"
"cutie boy"
"baby boy"

and the list goes on. note: chinese rabbit is not racist, just factual. when you pull up his ears he looks like-- a chinese rabbit.

he did just fine on his walk today, trotting along, behind instead of before me no doubt. his insistence to walk a step or two behind me makes things so difficult, because i wouldn't know if he pooped or peed unless i look back to check.

oh, fantastic. someone's doing drilling work in the room right behind this wall i'm facing. how helpful to my existing focus problems.

anyhow, other than the karang guni man and his horn, nothing really seemed to frazzle bran out. throughout the whole walk, however, bran was shivering and shaking like a big, white, fluffy pager. i attribute that to his excitement.

for the record, i love my dog.

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