Thursday, November 02, 2006

as i mentioned calmly yesterday, the electricity got cut from 8 to supposedly 5, but we got it back at around 1.30pm. SO IT'S NOT THAT BAD, thankfully. i like having electricity. :) first picture, daddy took the opportunity to clean up the fridge and ended up dropping, to my count, eleven eggs accidentally. he said it cost about a buck, so i don't think we lost alot of money. it was still funny. now bran has eggs to eat everyday for the next few weeks.

some of the wire jungle scenes tim took. my poor mommy couldn't sleep the whole day after coming back from a 12 hour night shift, and she has to work again tonite. aiyar, why can't drills be totally silent? i will ask tim to invent a silent drillwhen he grows up.. lol.

going to sis.pengpeng's mom's wake later in the evening.
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