Saturday, November 11, 2006

HELPED OUT IN HLC TODAY. some awards day thing. tried to contribute here and there but i think i was more of an ornament, just standing around smiling and trying to recognize parents and remember kids' names. GOOD THING RAYE AND SHER WERE THERE or i would have been quite grumpy(confession. lol.). kids = energy & complaints. it was pretty fun. :)

last year (or some past year) i was helping in a supervisor training course for people who wanted to be supervisors to homeschoolers (and you are all blur, but it's ohkay.) and there was a guy and his wife who participated. his name's kim hee. anyways, his son is now in HLC! and suddenly he came up to me today and said, HEY AGNES NI HAO MAHHH?! (me in shock) i remembered his name because i thought it sounded like kimchee, the korean food, when i first heard it. so he asked me how i was and about my hair and scouts and school and general stuff and i hadda go. :) YAY, i'm recognizable. heehee. it's my spastic face, i tell you.

today sis. maria mentioned my rate of growth (northward). i wonder if i permed my hair and dressed up, would i pass off as an 18 year old? *idiotic thinking face* :D

today's my friend' birthday celebration at the nite safari and I'M NOT THERE. sorry melodyyyy. :( SORRY!

will post up pics asap. RAYE, YOU PIC SNATCHER YOU!

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