Saturday, April 03, 2010

MAMA is very sick.
just came home from visiting mama at SGH. my uncle chose not to tell us that she was admitted 3 days ago. we only found out today through my aunt, whom my grandmother pestered my uncle to call. he didn't tell us cos he hates us, and there's a long story behind that.

reached there at 4+. had to wait till 4.30 to register, then had to wait till 5pm to go see her. she was curled up fetal, and i expected her to say, "boom!" when she saw me as she usually does but instead she started crying and stuff with hardly any voice, wah i heartpain. like she was waiting for us for so long. =( stayed with her until 7.30 and made sure she was fed and turned and comfy. we left when she was sleepy. i let her have the jacket isa gave me for my birthday, cos all the other ah mahs had a cute little jacket and i knew she was eyeing on mine. hahah.

she's really weak and the diagnosis isn't certain yet. so, gonna hafta wait and see. she told me she prays "Jesus, Jesus, help me." when she feels horrible and that she feels better after that. that really brought a tear to my eye.

off to bathe now.

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