Friday, April 09, 2010

mama's bounced back. on wednesday (when i couldn't go see her) she was in a very bad state. but she had a blood transfusion and on thursday she was great. like normal. only with a very swollen arm. but the discoloration has subsided alot. it just looks like a tattoo now. hahah. i'm thankful for whatever God decides for her, but it is just so good to see her not in pain. know what i mean? :) i'm still quite cautious about it all cos old people are so unpredictable.
this arm is twice the size of the other one. it's like i huge blister. her hand looked like a water-filled glove!

the first thing mama did when i got there was to force me to screen her up so she could show me her left boob, which is also extremely swollen and discolored. she would not let me sit down in peace until i had taken a look and verified that it was strange. ( i used to change her clothes and pampers lah so no big deal.) it was so funny.

ag: mama, kenapa ini macam? (why liddat?)
mama: tak tau? (dunno?)
ag: ada susu tak? (got milk anot?)
mama: tak ada. tak branak. kalau branak ada. (don't have. i never give birth. if i give birth then have.)
ag: LOL.
she answered it so matter-of-factly. um, i dunno if that's the correct berhasa spelling but that's how we pronounce it in peranakan.

anyway,we went home after dinner and did some late night grocery shopping.

this is my subtle, "ples buy for me" face. but i realized my parents don't care what i pick up while grocery shopping anymore, not like when i was younger you know, "why you take that?! no offer dowan put back!" they probably think that if they don't like it i will just have to pay for it myself. :D

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