Friday, October 06, 2006

TSK. the weather is SO SUPER hot. i dun like. i'm sweating nigara falls while sitting still. even after my bath i feel so warm. haiyah!

meeting sher for breakfast tomorroh. she treat. she don treat i don go ah, so early. then hafto go to sunplaza in my tai tai outfit. HAHAR. wanna see if i can get her to buy ice cream for me to. THICK SKIN! i have a sudden craving for ice cream. and pizza. and, diamond rings. well, the list goes on.

bran had his bath today, finally, i must say. now that my granny has gone to stay at uncle's, he has taken over her bed. let's hear a bran story, shall we? ...........

after his baths, bran likes to play more than ever. it's just what he does. usually i play with him and run around until he tires out and collapses. today, he came to me all wet, with his playful eyes, and started his growling and blinking. i looked at him, then turned around to do my school work. he pestered me abit more but i gave him no attention. then suddenly, i heard a fountain sound, but no, that ain't no fountain. it was my heart-broken dog giving me attitude by lovingly sacrificing his pee to clean my floor. i turned around in my swivel chair and just watched in terror as yellow liquid spewed out in a steady stream from under his lifted leg. he was probably snickering in dog language later, what did you say? you didn't wanna play? well, TAKE THAT! yahahahaha. man...

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